Grotte Is Zuddas - Santadi (CA)Home Page
Grotte Is Zuddas - Santadi (CA)

All the caves

Immediately after the entrance, on the vault, we can see the remains of an extint rodent, the Prolagus Sardus, disappeared about 400 years ago. It lived only in Sardinia and Corsica. In the first hall some stalactites, and stalagmites and columns can be observed. The floor is made up of one large flow that looks like a river bed. If we go on, we will see on the vault some natural tunnel we arrive in the large Organ Room. Its name is due to a stalactite-stalagmite column which looks like an old pipeorgan. In this room there are some formations similar to coral, some stalactites, stalagmites, flows an tubular formations (empty in the middle). On the walls there are formations of needleshaped aragonite (white sharp crystal needles). After going through another tunnel, we reach the impressive Theatre Hall. We are struck not only by its size, but also by its extreme beauty. Finally we arrive in the most beautiful room the Eccentric Room, so called because the walls and the vault are embellished by very rare eccentric aragonites. They grow in every direction contrary to the force of gravity.

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Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

Is Zuddas - Santadi (CI)

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