Gastronomy of Sardinia - Typical productsHome Page
Sardinian gastronomy
Typical, unique and genuine products
Index products
Hors d'oeuvres
Bread and pasta
Second courses
Pork meats

It is obtained by the muscles of the pig's cervical. It is dried and eaten uncooked after the seasoning.

Pillow (guanciale)
It is, as well as ham, salted, peppered and pressed. Then it is left to dry in the air or on the smoke for one or two months.

It is the pig's filet prepared in the same way as the sausages; meat is put in vinegar or in white wine for about 3 or 4 days and then flavoured with salt and pepper. It can be tasted fresh, fried or roasted or like hors d'oeuvre.

The pig's fat, prepared in the same way as ham; the difference is that Bacon is prepared only in some zones of Sardinia. Sometimes it is prepared with fennel seeds or cut grasses.

Raw ham
It is constituted by the pig whole thigh or shoulder. Known for its excellent quality, it requires from 4 to 12 months to reach first quality.

Obtained by bagging pieces of flesh and fat. It takes the classic shape of a horseshoe. Sometimes it is prepared by marinating the meat in vinegar, salt, cloves, garlic, pepper, fennel seeds and sometimes also wild onion and orange. The fresh sausages usually are roasted and served as a main dish.

Blood pudding
Prepared with the blood of pigs, just butchered. It is emptied in a container of copper or earthenware, and blended with a ladle in wood to avoid coagulation; dressed with salt, pepper, walnut muscatel, walnut minced, cloves, cinnamon, lard, milk. Once dressed, the blood - after about ten hours - is introduced in the stomach or in the crass bowel and boiled or roasted on the grill.