Nora, archaeologic parc (CA)Home Page
Nora, archaeologic parc (CA)


The city of Nora was founded by Phoenician around IX century B.C.. In the early period of Roman domination, which began in 238 B.C., Nora was probably the seat of the Governorship. During the Roman era it was proclaimed a municipium and enjoyed a period of prosperity, which reached its peak in the II and III century A.D.. Archaeological excavation has revealed buildings from various periods, but the most important ruins are those from the Roman era. The remains of the thermal baths are partially submerged by water, but the colourful white, yellow and black mosaics which cover the floor can still be seen. Can also admire the beautiful mosaics of the Central Thermal Baths, as well as at the Small Baths, the latter almost certainly belonging to a private domus.

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Nora - Pula (CA)

Nora - Pula (CA)

Nora - Pula (CA)

Nora - Pula (CA)

Nora - Pula (CA)

Nora - Pula (CA)

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